ECD Chair’s July 2024 Message

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July 2024

Welcome to July, PRSA ECD community,

As we dive into the warmth of summer, I’m excited to bring you this edition of our newsletter, filled with celebrations, opportunities for recognition, and events designed to enhance your leadership skills.

International Self-Care Day: Embrace Wellbeing on July 24

Every year on July 24, we celebrate International Self-Care Day, an initiative to emphasize the universal importance of self-care. Self-care is deeply rooted in the historical movements for civil rights and social justice, not just a modern trend. It has been a critical community and individual health component since the 1950s. Recognizing self-care on 7/24 serves as a reminder that caring for oneself is essential seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

This year, the theme of self-care resonates deeply with me on a personal level. I am excited to share that the June/July 2024 issue of PRSA Strategies & Tactics features an article that offers insights into my passion for public relations, the multifaceted nature of my role, and my journey of opening up about mental health. This story is close to my heart, as it aims to inspire and support others in our profession by highlighting the importance of mental well-being alongside professional development.

Here’s how you can observe this vital well-being and self-care day:

  1. Organize a Wellness Workshop: Engage your team or community in a wellness workshop. Whether it’s a session on mindfulness, a virtual meditation gathering, or a physical activity like yoga, these activities promote both mental and physical health.
  1. Launch a Self-Care Awareness Campaign: Utilize your expertise in communications to create impactful content that educates your audience about the importance of self-care. Share personal stories, expert advice, and practical tips to inspire others to incorporate self-care.
  1. Host a Community Health Fair: Bring together health professionals, wellness advocates, and community members to a health fair. Offer screenings, workshops, and discussions that provide valuable health information and resources, empowering individuals to take proactive steps toward their health.
  1. Promote a Balanced Work Culture: Advocate for organizational policies that support work-life balance. Highlight the importance of mental health days, flexible working hours, and other initiatives that help employees maintain their health and productivity.
  1. Reflect and Recharge: Dedicate the day to personal reflection and relaxation. Set aside time to evaluate your health goals, celebrate achievements, and plan future wellness activities. It’s a perfect opportunity to recharge and refocus on your wellbeing.

Congratulations to Our PRominent Award Winners!

Let’s give a resounding round of applause to the Dayton, Detroit, Hoosier, and Thoroughbred Chapters for their remarkable achievement in winning PRSA ECD PRominent Awards! Their dedication to excellence in serving our members and advancing the public relations profession through innovative networking, community service, and professional development initiatives is commendable.

As we honor your achievements, it’s important to remember that the opportunity to shine doesn’t stop here. The Chapters have recently hosted their own awards programs, highlighting the exceptional work being done at the local level. With the PRSA ECD Diamond Award program opening next month, this is a perfect moment to consider resubmitting your award-winning campaigns and projects or tweaked applications. The Diamond Awards competition provides another platform to showcase your success and receive recognition for your outstanding contributions to our field. Don’t miss this chance to celebrate your hard work and creativity on an even larger stage.

QuickStart Leadership Conference: Enhance Your Skills

Enhance your leadership skills at the upcoming QuickStart Leadership Conference, scheduled for September 13-14 in Columbus, OH. Thanks to PRSA ECD Chair-elect Mark Weinstein for his diligent and creative planning efforts. This event is tailored for and open to any PRSA or PRSSA member eager to ascend in their leadership journey.

Featuring a lineup of accomplished speakers, the conference offers sessions designed to develop your leadership abilities and provide networking opportunities with fellow professionals. Whether new to the field or looking to expand your influence, this conference is a valuable investment in your professional development.

In Closing: A Note of Gratitude

I want to thank you for your commitment to your Chapters, the District, and the public relations profession. Your hard work, innovation, and dedication continue to elevate our field and significantly impact the communities we serve. Your involvement is what makes our organization vibrant and influential.

Have a safe and Happy Fourth of July!



Jennifer L. Kramer, APR

2024 ECD Board Chair